Renewed Life Limited.
Where the New Life begins.




About Us

     Our Mission is to create an affordable system to enable customers and clients reduce the burden of very high cost of medical and health care in Nigeria. The administration and management of Medical Care billing in Nigeria is a rather new industry, and Renewed Life Limited is poised to alleviate the onerous challenge of dealing with Accounts receivable by health and medical institutions. It is also created to be the best place to get medical health payment assistance to individual, small and large groups


       The company aims at delivering the best services to customers and clients by providing quick references to reputable hospitals and clinics facilities within our network. Renewed Life Limited will also offer the easiest medical health bills payment assistance system to clients


     We promise to be the best, loyal reputable medical health bills assistance payment provider by offering the utmost satisfaction and lowest premium ever compared to other similar insurance companies. Like all true innovators, Renewed Life Limited is based on a very simple idea. Putting the needs of our members and their families first. Thinking this way has enabled us to break the cycle of ever increasing health problems and by reducing premiums and increasing levels of coverage, whilst ensuring the highest standards of services and commitment to our clients.

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